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⚠️ See the breaking changes for this release.

Crossterm 0.28.0 ⬆️

Crossterm is updated to version 0.28.0, which is a semver incompatible version with the previous version (0.27.0). Ratatui re-exports the version of crossterm that it is compatible with under ratatui::crossterm, which can be used to avoid incompatible versions in your dependency list.

See this issue for more information.

Chart: Add GraphType::Bar πŸ“Š

We have introduced a new variant to GraphType, named Bar, which is designed to draw a bar for each point in the dataset:

let chart = Chart::new(vec![Dataset::default()


Async Example πŸ“š

We added a new example which demonstrates how to use Ratatui with widgets that fetch data asynchronously.


The code is available here.

Barchart: Support Lines πŸ“ˆ

Previously, Axis::labels accepted a Vec<Span>. To make it more flexible, we have changed it to accept a vector of any type that can be converted into a [Line] (e.g., &str, String, &Line, Span, etc.). This means any code using conversion methods that infer the type will need to be rewritten as follows.

Axis::default().labels(vec!["a".into(), "b".into()])
Axis::default().labels(["a", "b"])

Terminal: try_draw ✨

We have added a new method to Terminal called try_draw, which functions similarly to Terminal::draw but allows the render callback to be a function or closure that returns a Result instead of nothing (()).

This makes it easier to handle fallible rendering methods using the ? operator:

terminal.try_draw(|frame| {

The method returns Result::Ok with a CompletedFrame if successful, or Result::Err with the std::io::Error that caused the failure.

Terminal: Make terminal module private πŸ”’

The terminal module is now private and can not be used directly. The types under this module are exported from the root of the crate.

use ratatui::terminal::{CompletedFrame, Frame, Terminal, TerminalOptions, ViewPort};
use ratatui::{CompletedFrame, Frame, Terminal, TerminalOptions, ViewPort};

This simplifies the public API, making it more user-friendly for those unfamiliar with Rust’s re-exports and avoiding clashes with other modules named terminal in backend code.

Backend: Add get/set_cursor_position() πŸ“

If you implement the Backend trait yourself, you need to update the implementation and add the get/set_cursor_position methods, which indicates more clearly what about the cursor to set.

These new methods return/accept Into<Position> which can be either a Position or a (u16, u16) tuple.

backend.set_cursor_position(Position { x: 0, y: 20 })?;
let position = backend.get_cursor_position()?;
terminal.set_cursor_position((0, 20))?;
let position = terminal.set_cursor_position()?;

You can remove the get/set_cursor methods from your implementation as they are deprecated and a default implementation for them exists.

Buffer: Add cell, cell_mut and index 🧩

Buffer used to access elements with buf.get(x, y) or buf.get_mut(x, y). Now, we have added support for index operators and introduced buf.cell() and buf.cell_mut() methods.

These new methods use Into<Position> for coordinates, making them easier to use and safer by returning Option<&Cell> and Option<&mut Cell>, which helps avoid panics (yay).

let mut buffer = Buffer::empty(Rect::new(0, 0, 10, 10));
// Access cells
let cell = buf[(0, 0)];
let cell = buf[Position::new(0, 0)];
// Get symbol
let symbol = buf.cell((0, 0)).map(|cell| cell.symbol());
let symbol = buf.cell(Position::new(0, 0)).map(|cell| cell.symbol());
// Set symbol
buf[(0, 0)].set_symbol("πŸ€");
buf[Position::new(0, 0)].set_symbol("πŸ€");
buf.cell_mut((0, 0)).map(|cell| cell.set_symbol("πŸ€"));
buf.cell_mut(Position::new(0, 0)).map(|cell| cell.set_symbol("πŸ€"));

The existing get() and get_mut() methods are now marked as deprecated.

Frame: Rename size() to area() πŸ”„

It is just the more correct name. πŸ§€

Frame::size is now deprecated.

Text: Add Add and AddAssign implementations ✏️

You can now combine Line, Span, and Text types together while inferring their types!

let line = Span::raw("Red").red() + Span::raw("blue").blue();
let line = Line::raw("Red").red() + Span::raw("blue").blue();
let line = Line::raw("Red").red() + Line::raw("Blue").blue();
let text = Line::raw("Red").red() + Line::raw("Blue").blue();
let text = Text::raw("Red").red() + Line::raw("Blue").blue();
let mut line = Line::raw("Red").red();
line += Span::raw("Blue").blue();
let mut text = Text::raw("Red").red();
text += Line::raw("Blue").blue();
line.extend(vec![Span::raw("1"), Span::raw("2"), Span::raw("3")]);

Text: Remove unnecessary lifetime πŸ”§

The ToText trait no longer has a lifetime parameter.

This change simplifies the trait and makes it easier to implement.

List/Table: New Scroll Methods πŸ”½

We have implemented new scroll_down_by(u16) and scroll_up_by(u16) methods for both ListState and TableState, which allow you to scroll through the items by a specified number of positions.

let mut state = ListState::default();;
assert_eq!(state.selected, Some(6));
let mut state = TableState::default();;
assert_eq!(state.selected, Some(0));

Table: Navigation Methods 🧭

You can now navigate in the Table widget by using the following methods!

let mut state = TableState::default();

This is the equivalent API as in ListState.

Tracking Benchmarks ⏲️

We started using to track benchmarks over time and easily catch any regressions.

You can view our benchmarks at

For discussions about future improvements, check out the tracking issue.

Check Semver Violations 🚦

We have started experimenting with cargo-semver-checks in our CI to lint our API for semver violations!

See the PR for related discussion.

Other πŸ’Ό

  • Return Size from Backend::size instead of Rect (#1254)
  • Remove unnecessary synchronization in Layout cache (#1245)
    • Layout::init_cache no longer returns bool and takes a NonZeroUsize instead of usize
  • Remove unnecessary allocations when creating Lines (#1237)
  • Avoid extra allocations when rendering List & Table(#1244 & #1242)
  • Add Size::ZERO and Position::ORIGIN constants to Layout (#1253)
  • Enable serde for Margin, Position, Rect and Size (#1255)
  • Prevent area mismatch in TestBackend (changes the serde representation) (#1252)
  • Allow removing all the axis labels in Chart (#1282)
  • Only apply style to first line when rendering a Line (#1247)
  • Ensure emojis are rendered (#1258)
  • Add Code of Conduct (#1279)

β€œIf you are what you eat, then I only want to eat the good stuff.” – Remy