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Create Dynamic layouts

With real world applications, the content can often be dynamic. For example, a chat application may need to resize the chat input area based on the number of incoming messages. To achieve this, you can generate layouts dynamically:

fn get_layout_based_on_messages(msg_count: usize, f: &Frame) -> Rc<[Rect]> {
let msg_percentage = if msg_count > 50 { 80 } else { 50 };
Constraint::Percentage(100 - msg_percentage),

You can even update the layout based on some user input or command:

match action {
Action::IncreaseSize => {
current_percentage += 5;
if current_percentage > 95 {
current_percentage = 95;
Action::DecreaseSize => {
current_percentage -= 5;
if current_percentage < 5 {
current_percentage = 5;
_ => {}
let chunks = Layout::default()
Constraint::Percentage(100 - current_percentage),